Wednesday, May 22, 2019

What to do

Usually, on a first date, we’re trying so hard to make a good impression, that we’re not even thinking about anything other than the moment we’re in. And that’s fine. but if you’re on a first date and want to have a great time with this person, and you don't know what to do .There are a few ways to guide you.
Be playful 
It’s totally normal and understandable to be nervous on a first date. You don’t know this person, and you have no idea how this is going to play out. But that doesn’t mean you need to be serious all the time. Just be yourself and don't act like you are in job interview. Especially, Try to make conversation to each other as possible as you can.
Let them know you’re very interested
If you haven’t already let your date know you like them by the end of it, make sure you do before you part ways. Give them a hug, or a kiss on the cheek, and tell them you had a great time and would love to see them again.
Listen to each other 
Some of us, always thinking so hard to start a new topic, but it’s important to try and remember to listen to your date, and by listen it doesn’t just mean nod along in silence, it mean really listen to what they are saying. For example, if they say they are vegetarian, you’ll look silly if you suggest going to grab some burgers at your favorite burger place this weekend.

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