Wednesday, May 22, 2019

About Me

In this blog, We will guide how to prepare yourself and what you need to do for your first dating. We work to deliver you content on your screens, in our mag, and across your feeds that’s just like you: fearlessly authentic, honest, and really damn interesting.

First Dating

Have An Incredible First Date. A great first date makes it all worth it. After all, the end game here is really finding someone to marry and spend the rest of your life with (which is probably why you feel so nervous in the first place, that’s a lot of pressure). Thankfully, there are a few ways to avoid the pitfalls of an awkward first date. You know, assuming the other person isn’t completely awful.
The location you choose sets the tone for your date. Unless you already know what types of activities your date likes, it’s best pick a neutral, low-pressure place where you can focus on getting to know each other.If it feels uncomfortable, you can leave after the first drink. Or better, you hit it off and you have the freedom to continue your date for as long as you both like.
One of the most important things to do before a date starts and before you leave the house is getting your mind right. While you can’t control compatibility, or attraction, you can make sure you’re mentally ready if they happen.

What to do

Usually, on a first date, we’re trying so hard to make a good impression, that we’re not even thinking about anything other than the moment we’re in. And that’s fine. but if you’re on a first date and want to have a great time with this person, and you don't know what to do .There are a few ways to guide you.
Be playful 
It’s totally normal and understandable to be nervous on a first date. You don’t know this person, and you have no idea how this is going to play out. But that doesn’t mean you need to be serious all the time. Just be yourself and don't act like you are in job interview. Especially, Try to make conversation to each other as possible as you can.
Let them know you’re very interested
If you haven’t already let your date know you like them by the end of it, make sure you do before you part ways. Give them a hug, or a kiss on the cheek, and tell them you had a great time and would love to see them again.
Listen to each other 
Some of us, always thinking so hard to start a new topic, but it’s important to try and remember to listen to your date, and by listen it doesn’t just mean nod along in silence, it mean really listen to what they are saying. For example, if they say they are vegetarian, you’ll look silly if you suggest going to grab some burgers at your favorite burger place this weekend.


 A crush can be described as a very strong attraction towards someone .It's infatuation for a very short period of time. A crush usually is based on a person’s appearance or the way the person talks or walks or some particular behavior which is admired intensely by another person. It is short-lived. Crush might be considered a vice as it is a very innocent form of lust. In any case, it is a magnified version of attraction. You don’t really know the person, and don’t really take steps to get to know them. You start to notice their physical features more, and feel more attracted to them. You also start to appreciate their personality more. However, it might not be someone you even want to pursue. It can just be that more of your attraction is focused on one person, but you could definitely still be considering other people.